Friday, January 30, 2009

Rehabilitation Update

I'm out of creative ideas, so you just get plain old explanations.
Here are the new haircuts.

Eme said that she really wanted her hair short.  I wish that she would have told me instead of playing beautician.

She really loves the new cut.  I, however, was really excited that it was finally growing out from the LAST time she cut it and was looking forward to piggy tails.  Now we have even shorter.....

Oliver's hair won't stay down this short.  So for a few weeks we'll have a lion mane to tame.  At least his gouges won't take very long to catch up to the rest of his hair.  

Isn't it remarkable how adorable little tiny felons can be?


  1. I'm glad they are recovering from their fiasco just fine! They look beautiful - like always. :)

  2. I see all they wanted was new hair cuts and wasn't sure how to ask for one. They are so cute.

  3. Good work, beautiful haircuts. Emelia looks so gown up. And for the record, I LOVE Oliver's little spikes! ;)
