Thursday, January 8, 2009

Puddin Head

Perhaps some of you were confused when I posted (click here) last year about Oliver.  So I thought I would give you a glance of Oliver's usual look after I allow him to eat on his own.
Saying "cheeeeese"
In his defense, he did get some wipes and try to clean it off.
I think that maybe it was a ploy to get in the shower.  He LOVES taking showers.


  1. How cute. He looks like he had fun making the mess.

  2. These are the pics you need to pull out when your meeting his prom date in about 15 years. So cute!!

    BTW I'm not much into blogging awards but Tiff Zaugg just gave me one that I want to pass on to you. Come check it out if you get a second.

  3. Oh my goodness!!! That is too funny. He is such a cutie.
